Visual Arts

The Greenwich Academy visual arts program encourages artistic expression in every student. With a curriculum designed for the successful development of fine arts skills, teachers in all three divisions help students fulfill their individual potential by offering wide-ranging and age-appropriate opportunities to experiment with materials and media. Students learn to communicate in an original, personal style. They pursue the study of aesthetics, art history, art criticism, and contemporary developments through class work, field trips, visiting artists, and exhibitions by professionals and by the students themselves. Interdisciplinary collaborations thrive within the Visual Arts Department, as well as in combination with many other arts disciplines and academic departments. All students leave Greenwich Academy with a firm foundation in the visual arts and a love and appreciation of the visual arts that will last them a lifetime.

Arts Atrium

Uniting the Visual and Performing Arts Centers, the Atrium has two complementary functions, community and art. Convivial and expansive, light-filled and comfortable, the space is at once student gathering place (snack machines!) and gallery (24-foot ceilings! 1,500 square feet!). Ultimately, the dual purposes unite, each role reinforcing the other, creating a unique harmony.

Current installation

Luchsinger Gallery

Housed in the Wallace Performing Arts Center, the Luchsinger Gallery presents exhibitions by students, faculty, alumnae, and outside artists each year. The Visiting Artists Program invites professional artists showing in the gallery to speak about their working process and lead workshops in the classrooms. The Luchsinger Gallery combines with the Jacobs Lobby to form an 1,100-square foot space that has hosted emerging and mid-career artists from New York, New Haven, and Fairfield County.

See past exhibitions