Private Instruction

The music department offers private lessons in piano and voice. An enrichment to classroom instruction, this is an excellent opportunity for your child to deepen her appreciation of music and to learn skills that will strengthen her performance ability. Our adjunct music faculty is selected from the finest performers and teachers in New York and Connecticut. Lessons are offered as follows:

  • Piano for students in Groups I-XII
  • Voice for students in Groups V-XII

Lessons are offered in the Wallace Performing Arts Center after school. Private music lessons are scheduled according to these guidelines: student/family schedule, developmental level, and teacher/studio space availability. Generally, younger students begin with a 30-minute lesson. Longer lessons are recommended for intermediate to advanced students.


The Business Office will bill you at the beginning of each semester for a full semester of lessons. Your child must make a commitment for the entire semester. Add/drop is possible only at semester’s end. There are no refunds given. Makeup lessons are offered in the following cases: illness, GA sports games, and school closings.

There are approximately 14 weeks in the fall semester September-December. The second semester is slightly longer, at approximately 18 weeks January-May. Lesson fees are as follows:

  • One 30-minute lesson: $65
  • One 45-minute lesson: $80
  • One 60-minute lesson: $110
How to Sign Up

If you are interested in private lessons of any kind, please contact Erica McCants in the Music Department. Please include the following information:

  • Name of student
  • Grade level
  • Previous experience (if any)
  • Possible time requests