Affording Greenwich Academy

Last year GA awarded more than $9,600,000 in financial aid.

Fifty percent of families receiving financial assistance earn more than $150,000 a year.

The average amount of financial aid awards is $43,015.

Almost one-quarter of our students receive financial assistance.

We recognize that the cost of an independent school education can be discouraging, but be assured that Greenwich Academy is committed to providing a well-funded, inclusive, and equitable financial aid program to support our families. Our dedication to financial aid has made Greenwich Academy a socioeconomically diverse community and has helped us focus on our mission to bring girls of exceptional character and talent to our school. Currently 23% of our student body receives aid, representing families from a wide range of incomes. In addition, our admission process is need-blind, meaning decisions are not influenced by a family’s ability to pay.

“Our experience at GA has been wonderful. We have experienced absolute inclusion from the faculty, students, and parents. Financially unable to pay full tuition given our economic status, we have found GA to be extremely generous.” 

—Current Parent

Gross Household Income for Families Receiving Financial Aid

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